
Thursday 11 May 2017

Bordeaux, France


MATWIN organises the 3rd edition of the Oncolgy Business Convention. MATWIN is a national platform supporting innovation in oncology. The programme is based on a public/private partnership between pharma companies (Amgen, AstraZeneca, BMS, Celgene, GSK, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Sanofi), UNICANCER and the Canceropôles.

The MEET2WIN convention is organised around face-to-face meetings and is bringing together all parties involved in oncology innovation. MEET2WIN offers the opportunity to meet representatives of big pharma & diagnostic companies, biotechs, startups, researchers, clinicians, TTO’s, investors etc. to boost collaborations opportunities. MEET2WIN is supported by Enterprise Europe Network.


Deadlines Tasks
5 May 2017 Registration and profile submission
6 Apr – 5 May 2017 Online selection of bilateral meetings
11-12 May 2017  Bilateral meetings


Contact person in Switzerland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +41 (0)31 380 60 28
Participant list Search Online
Website www.b2match.eu/meet2win2017  
Event language English
Participant fee Company (pharma/diagnostics companies, biotechs, CRO, funding structures...) 350 EUR.
TTO/cluster/association 300 EUR.
Emerging company (*Start-up ≤ 5 years, ≤ 10 employees) 250 EUR.
Academic 100 EUR, Student 75 EUR.


How it works

  1. Register and submit your cooperation profile online (be aware of the deadline)
  2. Profiles are published in a constantly updated online catalogue
  3. Select interesting profiles and request meetings
  4. Individual meeting times will be sent