
Due to the current high-price situation for energy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe are under great pressure to reduce their energy consumption, to be-come more energy efficient and/ or to make use of carbon neutral renewable energies by replacing climate damaging fossil fuels.


List of Short-Term Measures to Save and Substitute Energy at Companies

Due to the current high-price situation for energy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe are under great pressure to reduce their energy consumption, to be-come more energy efficient and/ or to make use of carbon neutral renewable energies by replacing climate damaging fossil fuels.


The Good Practice “Permanent Virtual Platform “Innovation in Environment, Energy and Circular Economy” as supported by Innosuisse and Swiss EEN – has won the best practice category, “Client support” as voted by the Enterprise Europe Network members.


The EEN Thematic Group ‘s Good Practice “Managing the Thematic Group Circular Economy Community as a tool for the EEN capacity building on sustainability” was elected for the best practice category “Network support” by the Enterprise Europe Network members.


Euresearch’s approach to “Empower regional clusters and networks” to better support SME for European innovation opportunities, won the best practice category “Cooperation with local authorities and increase the Network’s impact”.
