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Innovative device for protection of honeybees against Varroa mites by heat treatment

Country of Origin: Austria
Reference Number: TOAT20170412001
Publication Date: 20 April 2017


An Austrian SME has developed and patented a machine for controlling the Varroa infestation in honeybee colonies by means of hyperthermia. It uses heat to kill the parasite in the bee brood without damaging the bee larvae. It enables a safe and chemical free treatment that can be applied to effectively control the disease and increase honey yield. The company seeks commercial collaboration with technical assistance, license agreement or research partners in beekeeping sector.


Deformed wing virus is a recent global epidemic in honeybees driven by Varroa mites. The mite is a parasite transmitting diseases and causing severe damages to honeybee colonies. It currently has the most pronounced economic impact on the beekeeping industry, causing significant colony losses of about 25% in Central European countries. The parasite impairs the ability of beekeepers to sustain their activities, resulting in a 37,9% reduction in the number of beekeepers between 1965 and 2005. Moreover, since most plants and agricultural crops are dependent on bees for pollination, the agricultural sector is also adversely affected. This makes the challenge of securing healthy bee populations a matter of food and biodiversity security.

An Austrian engineering consultancy SME in the field of environmental control has started to developed a solution for the treatment against Varrora in 2008. in 2010 they have produced and sold their first products. The device is designed considering that the Varroa mites can only reproduce inside a capped worker brood. The heat treatment selectively kills these mites by means of high temperature and high air humidity. The bee brood remains intact - the larvae are able to tolerate a few degrees over the critical temperature where irreversible damaging and killing of the mites do occur.

The machine automatically controls these specific temperature and humidity requirements in a reliable, consistent and straightforward manner. The machine and the heat treatment procedure can be safely and easily used anytime of the year, especially before the harvesting of honey.

The device is both sold and rent in Austria and is available in three sizes, whereas special frame sizes are available upon request. The producer has also developed a yearly plan for beekeepers to use hyperthermia and not loose hives to the mite. Thus, this technology will efficiently increase the honey yield for the beekeepers and reduce the risk of colony dying.

The Austrian SME is looking for partners for the commercialization of the product through a commercial agreement with technical assistance; patented technology can be made available for licensing and further customization. The company is also interested for research partners interested in capacity building projects as well as further development of the technology and integrated pest management. Ideal partners could be beekeeping associations, technology providers of solutions for the beekeeping industry, wholesalers or organizations active in the agrofood sector specializing in bee health.

Advantages and Innovations

Chemicals are commonly used to control the Varroa mites, but these can potentially harm the bees and contaminate the valuable hive products. Chemical treatment shall only be applied after harvesting the honey, but due to the rapid mite population growth this timing might be too late for the survival of the colonies. Increased costs for Varroa management and mite resistance to chemicals are likely to develop.

Heat treatment gives flexibility to the beekeepers to take a safe and effective measure against the mite any time of the year. The machine has a compact and mobile design which integrates air ventilation, heating, humidification, and an automatic control unit with high precision sensors.

The machine is heat insulated and can hold up to 18 brood frames. Considering that on average there are three brood frames in a hive, this means that up to six colonies can be treated at once, in a treatment cycle of approximately two hours. It fits most common frame sizes so that beekeepers using different hive systems can share the machine.

The machine is portable; it can be moved by one person, it can be transported by car, and can be operated in the field with a common power generator (800 Watt).

All these advantages position it as a superior, high-quality product for the treatment and control of the Varroa mite.

Stage Of Development

Already on the market

Stage Of Development Comment

The development was completed in 2011. Since then it is on the market. Some improvements on the design have been implemented, but the basic principle and product outline have been kept.

Requested partner

1. Commercial agreement with technical assistance
The company is looking for partners who would be interested in further commercialization of the product. It is offering the technology through a commercial agreement along with training, support and technical assistance in order to create customized, localized or differently sized versions of the device. The device can be further adapted to meet other framing requirements and sold or rented by the partner to prospective clients or members. Possible partners could be beekeeping associations, technology providers of solutions for the beekeeping industry and organizations looking for an effective and all year round treatment against the Varroa mite.

2. License agreement
The company is also looking for partners interested in licensing the technology as original equipment manufacturers (OEM) or value-added reseller (VAR). Technical assistance, training and support can also be provided to support the licensee as a part of the licensing agreement. Possible partners could be beekeeping associations, technology providers of solutions for the beekeeping industry and organizations looking for an effective and all year round treatment against the Varroa mite.

3. Research cooperation agreement
The company is looking for research partners in the field of bee health and sustainable beekeeping practices for new educational and capacity building projects as well as further development of the technology and integrated pest management.

Cooperation offer is closed for requests