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UK-based SME offers implantable sensor for glucose measuring and monitoring

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Reference Number: TOUK20180115001
Publication Date: 15 January 2018


A UK-based SME has developed an implantable sensor that can measure and allow for the monitoring of glucose levels. This sensor enables accurate, real-time measurement of glucose levels aiding diabetes management. The SME is offering this technology to larger companies in the glucose monitoring space for further development and incorporation into partner products. It is envisaged that the partnership will take the form of a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a joint venture.


Diabetes is a chronic health condition that is affecting increasing numbers of people globally and can have serious impacts for patients in the longer term. It is a condition that requires careful and consistent management in order to prevent the vascular and neurological impacts of the condition, which can cause morbidity and disability as well as premature death. Accurately monitoring blood glucose levels is a vital part of managing the condition however many consumer devices fail to deliver consistent readings which can have a very detrimental impact on patient wellbeing.

A UK-based SME has developed an implantable electrochemical sensor that can measure glucose levels with up to 100-fold improved accuracy when compared to existing implantable devices. The sensor is implanted subcutaneously and is connected to a reader device electronically. The SME's sensor offers a new standard in accurate, real-time glucose measurement enabling wider technology innovations to ease the burden of diabetes management. Patents surrounding this technology have been filed.

Having developed the sensor, the SME is looking for larger company partners in order to test and develop the sensor further to commercial launch, including conducting animal studies. It is envisaged that this partner will be working in the glucose monitoring space, have existing monitoring devices and wanting to move into the implantables space. It is further envisaged that the partnership will be in the form of a joint venture or as a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Advantages and Innovations

The SME's sensor technology provides the following advantages over currently used sensor technology:

Close to real-time data provision enabling accurate blood glucose level control.

Potential for use of smartphone apps to collect and manage data provided from sensor.

Greater sensitivity: up to 10,000 times when compared to an analogous 100 micron disc electrode (typical size of implanted electrode).

Increased reproducibility: Electrode variations (Relative standard deviations) of less than 1% can be achieved as opposed to typically 3% in the case of screen printed macro electrodes.

Stage Of Development

Under development/lab tested

Requested partner

The UK SME is looking to partner with larger companies already working in the glucose measuring and monitoring technology space and in particular those who are in, or are looking to enter, the implantables space. The SME is looking for a partner who will be able to test and further develop the sensor to market, for example by conducting animal studies. The SME will provide the sensor technology to the partner and will assist with the development programme and integration of the sensor into the partners' products. It is envisaged that the partnership will take the form of a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a joint venture agreement.

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