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Greek company processes dust from fragmented solar panels and seeks for technology aiming to remove mercury

Country of Origin: Greece
Reference Number: TRGR20211008001
Publication Date: 11 October 2021


A Greek company active in the energy sector is interested in acquiring proper technology for removing mercury from dust. The partner sought should be able to provide the technology and advise the company on the process required for completing the task independently. Collaboration sought is technical agreement.


A Greek company, active in the energy sector, is managing a mixture of dust, originating from the fragmentation of used solar panels that contains mercury at a concentration of 0.3%.

The company is interested in receiving proper technology and advisory to remove the mercury and safely deposit it in an environmental friendly way. The proposed technology should be affordable and sustainable. The partner sought should be able to provide a solution that the company will use on-site, independently, in order to extract the mercury, without transferring the mixture beyond its facilities.

The Greek company is looking for technical cooperation agreement. The partner should provide the technology, method and advisory needed for the removal and safe deposit of mercury.

Expertise sought

The partner sought have expertise in removing mercury from dust.

Stage Of Development

Available for demonstration

Requested partner

The partner sought have the proper machinery, method and expertise in removing mercury from dust originating from the fragmentation of used solar panels. 

Collaboration sought is technical agreement.

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