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Research & Development Request

H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020:Twinning - Looking for partners in areas of reproductive medicine

Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Reference Number: RDBG20180731001
Publication Date: 31 July 2018


A leading Bulgarian university is preparing a project proposal to bid the forthcoming H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020:Twinning call. The project aims at increasing the institutional capacity and raising its research profile in the field of developmental biology, in particular experimental embryology and human embryonic development, stem cell biology and tissue regeneration. They are looking for well-known academic/research institutions active in these fields.


Horizon 2020's Twinning call for proposals targets enhancement of scientific and technological capacity of participating institutions with a principal focus on a university or a research organisation from a number of widening countries, Bulgaria among them. A well-known Bulgarian university is currently preparing a project proposal to apply to the forthcoming Twinning call in November 2018 and is looking for partners to complete its consortium. 

The partners' profile must be relevant to the specific intervention fields which the proposal addresses. The university is looking for well-known academic or research institutions from high-R&D intensive countries, active in one or more of the following fields:

- experimental embryology and human embryonic development -
- reproductive biology (including fertility science and assisted reproductive technologies)
- stem cell biology
- tissue regeneration

The prospective partners must have equipment and expertise for training in modern biology, ranging from routine morphology and experimental embryology to the latest molecular and bioinformatics approaches in genetics, cell biology, stem cell and biotechnology including: cell transfection and reprogramming, reverse genetics, gene editing, epigenetic modifications of reproductive and stem cells, cell movements and dynamic interactions, functional imaging.

As the Twinning scheme considers cross-cutting disciplines positively, it is preferable EoIs to be sent by institutions having also expertise in related matters such as: intellectual property rights, innovation, business aspects, technology transfer, employment issues and research infrastructure, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, medical biotechnology, relevant ICT applications, bioinformatics and data mining.

The project is expected to address Twinning's main challenges using the following (not exhaustive) methodology:

- short term staff exchanges
- expert visits and short-term on-site or virtual training
- workshops
- conference attendance
- organisation of joint summer/winter school type activities
- dissemination and outreach activities

The university is seeking institutions via research cooperation agreement from a range of countries listed below. This is a Horizon 2020's CSA (Coordination and Support Action) and all costs are funded by EC at 100%.

Project duration: 36 moths
EOI deadline: 15/09/2018
Call deadline: 15/11/2018

Advantages and Innovations

The project is referenced to high-level Bulgarian strategic documents, such as the Bulgarian Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation and Bulgarian National Roadmap for Research Infrastructure 2017-2023.

All currently confirmed partners (Belgium and Spain) have well-recognised research profile on the international stage.

Expertise sought

High-profiled academic institutions with strong expertise in one or more of the following: 

- experimental embryology and human embryonic development -
- reproductive biology (including fertility science and assisted reproductive technologies)
- stem cell biology
- tissue regeneration

Stage Of Development

Proposal under development

Requested partner

Type: University/Research Organisation
Role: Organise/Participate in one or more of the following:
- short term staff exchanges
- expert visits and short-term on-site or virtual training
- workshops
- conference attendance
- organisation of joint summer/winter school type activities
- dissemination and outreach activities

Cooperation offer is closed for requests