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Innovation & Technology Request

Therapeutically relevant proteins with no known ligands or poor ligands

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Reference Number: TRUK20170323001
Publication Date: 23 March 2017


An East of England company has developed a tool to predict ligandable binding sites on protein targets with high accuracy and confidence. They seek industry or academia owning targets of high therapeutic relevance, for which there are no known, or good, ligands available. Type of cooperation: research or technical co-operation agreement.


A Cambridge startup has developed and proven the most accurate way to predict ligandable binding sites on proteins. It allows one to find all the possible easily displaceable water clusters of all desirable sizes on the proteins surface.
Given the highly successful demonstration of prediction ¬ so far (>200 active sites predicted correctly for proteins with known drugs), the method will open completely new avenues in de novo rational drug design.
The company is seeking biotechnology companies or academic groups with promising targets in the most lucrative therapeutic areas. A 3D model of the protein is needed to yield the docking sites of desired size, shape and energetic barrier.
Under a research or technical co-operation goals can be set to discover promising new drug candidates.

Expertise sought

The targets could fall into areas such as oncology, diabetes, pain, autoimmune disease, antihypertensive, respiratory, mental health, lipid regulators etc. There is no preference in terms of protein family.
A 3D model of the target or a domain of interest is needed.

Requested partner

Industry and academia are sought who own highly relevant targets for which there are no well characterised ligands yet. The end goal is to discover new drugs, the exact nature of the cooperation may vary in each case.

Cooperation offer is closed for requests